Crispy Enoki. To cook crispy enoki mushroom y. Enoki mushrooms are the long stringy guys you find in plastic bags either by the other mushrooms or in the Asian foods sections. - Cut off the bottom part of the Enoki mushrooms and separate them into smaller bunches. - Pick up the bunches on at a time with chopsticks and dip in the tempura mixture, let excess mixture drip off then fry in hot oil until golden. Fry in small batches so the Enoki mushrooms don't stick together. Crispy Enoki Mushrooms and Microgreens Salad This Microgreens Salad is packed with flavors, textures and nutrients.
Remove with a wire sieve and drain.
Reheat the oil and deep-fry the mushrooms again until golden and crispy.
Dish out and spread onto several layers of paper towel.
You can cook Crispy Enoki using 10 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Crispy Enoki
- Prepare 2 of pak jamur enoki.
- Prepare 150 gr of tepung beras.
- Prepare 50 gr of tepung terigu.
- Prepare 1 of sdt baking powder.
- You need 1 of sdt lada putih bubuk.
- You need 1 of sdt ketumbar bubuk.
- It's 1/2 of sdt kunyit bubuk.
- It's 1/2 of sdt kaldu jamur bubuk.
- You need 1 of sdt garam halus (sesuaikan dg selera asin masing2).
- You need 500 ml of minyak untuk menggoreng.
I'm sharing with you one of my less-guilt snacks which is Crispy Deep Fried Mushroom, using enoki and white mushroom. Basically, you are covering the mushroom in a batter with all the seasoning and deep fry them. It makes a great for appetizer as well. While waiting for the enoki mushroom to be drain off the excess oil, dry fry the chicken powder and pepper together on low heat till fragrant.
Crispy Enoki step by step
- Potong pangkal jamur enoki, bagi hingga menjadi beberapa bagian (suwir panjang menurut batang, ketebalan sesuai selera).
- Campurkan tepung beras, tepung terigu, baking powder, garam dan semua bumbu bubuk. Aduk hingga benar-benar merata. (Untuk mencicip rasa asin, ambil seujung sendok adonan tepung lalu campur dg sedikit air. Jika kurang asin bisa ditambah lagi garamnya).
- Panaskan minyak goreng dengan api sedang..
- Celup semua jamur yg sudah disuwir panjang kedalam air, tiriskan..
- Masukkan jamur yg sudah ditiriskan kedalam tepung. Aduk rata sambil sedikit ditekan-tekan..
- Goreng kedalam minyak yang sudah benar-benar panas sampai kecoklatan dan kering. Angkat dan tiriskan..
- Sajikan. Bisa ditambah lagi dengan bubuk perasa keju, bbq, dan lainnya sesuai selera..
Serve with crispy enoki mushroom with sprinkle of seasonings, if you like. When golden, place the mushrooms on paper towel to let excess oil drip off. Deep fried food is my love/hate kinda thing. I loved the fact that they're crunchy and tasty, but I hated the fact that they tend to be greasy and fattening. But indulging on them once in a while is a-okay on my book!