Title: Banga OHA SOUP. Ora (Oha) soup is native to the South Eastern Nigeria. It is a very traditional soup similar to the bitterleaf soup but cooked with Ora leaves. Ora (Oha) Soup is special because the tender ora leaves used in preparing this soup recipe are seasonal unlike their bitterleaf counterpart which can be found all year round.
OHA (ora) soup is native to the South Eastern nigeria.it is a very traditional soup similar to bitter leaf soup but cooked with ora leaves Vickytee's Spice And Delicacies Title: Banga OHA SOUP Oha Soup Oha soup (a.ka;Ora/Uha soup or Ofe Oha/uha/ Ora) is a delicious Soup recipe from the eastern part of Nigeria. It is one of those native Igbo soups that you taste and just can't forget. Ofe Ora (as the people of Igbo call it) is one of the most delicious soups that is popularly made and eaten by the people of Igbo. You can have Title: Banga OHA SOUP using 17 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Title: Banga OHA SOUP
- Prepare leaf of OHA.
- Prepare of Banga fruits.
- You need of Assorted meat.
- Prepare of Beef meat.
- You need cube of Seasoning.
- Prepare of Salt.
- You need of Onions.
- You need of Kponmo cow skin.
- It's of Ogiri.
- You need of Cocoa yam for thinking.
- It's of Yellow scotch bonnet pepper.
- Prepare of Black pepper.
- You need of Dried prawns.
- You need of Stock fish.
- You need of Smoked catfish.
- You need of Ground crayfish.
- Prepare of Fresh fish of choice.
The Igbos are one of the popular ethnic groups in Nigeria. This soup is made with the leaves of a tree called oha. Ora soup is often prepared using cocoa-yam, egusi or ofor as the thickener. Achi with banga soup recipe is very easy.
Title: Banga OHA SOUP instructions
- Boil your banga fruit,cocoa yam, till well soft..
- Wash and boil your assorted meat and beef with seasoning cube and salt till it very very soft and tendered.
- Blend onion and pepper together.
- Destem your uziza and OHA leave, wash the stock fish and kpomon..
- Then extract the banga fruit, and pound your cocoyam.
- In the pot of boiling meat add the palm banga extract, and allow to cook for about 5min or more.
- Wen it well cook add in the cray fish,stockfish,kpomon, ogiri, black pepper, blended pepper. Allow to cook for about 3 mins.
- Add in your cocoyam and allow to cook well, add in your uziza leaf, and prawn allow to cook for another 2mins.
- Add in your OHA leave and correct the seasoning if it too thick add in some water to get ur right constitency, allow to cook for 2 more mins.
- Note: destem the OHA leaf with your finger not with knife, knife make it turn black.
This is a very effective thickener for preparing Ora (Oha) Soup, Bitterleaf Soup, Ofe Owerri and all soups where cocoyam is used as thickener. Achi with banga Soup recipe Ingredients. Beef; Shaki (cow tripe) Ponmo (cow skin) Assorted dry fish. Dry fish; Stockfish (dry cod) Oha leaves We prepare and deliver to your door step all over abuja. We prepare nigerian soups and stew such as: afang soup edikai ikong soup efo riro atama soup banga soup okro soup ogbonno soup pepper soup ewedu oha soup isiewu fisherman soup white soup ekpang nkukwo moi-moi stew (fish/beaf/chiken) and lots more.