Recipe: Tasty Egusi soup

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Egusi soup. Fill Your Cart With Color today! This soup is native to West Africa (Nigeria) and many of my American as well as Nigerian friends have enjoyed it. It is a great soup for those who like to try something different every once in a while.

Egusi soup How to cook egusi soup in simple steps Add ground melon to a bowl, add about a cup of water and mix to form a paste then set aside. Wash and chop the spinach, drain in a colander and set aside. It is one of the most popular soups prepared by many Nigerian tribes. You can have Egusi soup using 7 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Egusi soup

  1. Prepare 1 cup of egusi.
  2. Prepare 1 bunch of ugwu (sliced).
  3. Prepare 1/2 kg of goat meat.
  4. It's 3 cube of maggi.
  5. It's 1 tablespoon of crayfish.
  6. Prepare 1/3 cup of palm oil.
  7. It's 5 of fresh pepper grinded.

The people eat it with dishes like Pounded Yam. You can prepare egusi soup with goat, beef, fish, or shellfish! The Nigerian Egusi soup, prepared with melon seeds, is prepared by most tribes in Nigeria in many different ways. It is known as Miyan Gushi in Hausa, Ofe Egusi in Igbo and Efo Elegusi in Yoruba.

Egusi soup instructions

  1. Wash meat very well,then put in a clean pot,add maggi,salt then boil for 20min.
  2. Add pepper and crayfish allow for 5min..
  3. Add palm oil for 3min.Then pour egusi into a plate add little water then stir pour into the pot.
  4. Allow to boil for 5min.Add the ugwu leaf, then after 2min turn off heat..

Nigerian Egusi Soup (Caking Method) [Video] Egusi and Ogbono Soup Combo Fried Egusi Soup [Video] Ofe Achara with Akpuruakpu Egusi [Video] Egusi soup is unarguably the most popular Nigerian soup. In my few years as a food blogger and Nigerian food lover, I have learned that different recipes exist across different Nigerian ethnic groups. The Yorubas make efo elegusi while the Igbos make ofe egusi, all with similar ingredients but with slightly different approaches. Nigerian Egusi Soupis a soup thickened with ground melon seeds and contains leafy and other vegetables. It is one of the most popular soups prepared by most tribes in Nigeria with considerable variation and often eaten with dishes like Pounded Yams.

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